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In the previous section, we learned about overriding derivations using the override keyword. However, this approach only affects the local derivation and doesn't modify the original derivation in pkgs. To globally modify derivations in pkgs, Nix provides a feature called "overlays".

In traditional Nix environments, overlays can be configured globally using the ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix or ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/*.nix files. However, in Flakes, to ensure system reproducibility, overlays cannot rely on configurations outside of the Git repository.

When using Flakes to configure NixOS, both Home Manager and NixOS provide the nixpkgs.overlays option to define overlays. You can refer to the following documentation for more details:

Let's take a look at an example module that loads overlays. This module can be used as a Home Manager module or a NixOS module, as the definitions are the same:

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:

  nixpkgs.overlays = [
    # Overlay 1: Use `self` and `super` to express the inheritance relationship
    (self: super: {
      google-chrome = {
        commandLineArgs =

    # Overlay 2: Use `final` and `prev` to express the relationship between the new and the old
    (final: prev: {
      steam = prev.steam.override {
        extraPkgs = pkgs: with pkgs; [

        extraProfile = "export GDK_SCALE=2";

    # Overlay 3: Define overlays in other files
    # The content of overlay3.nix is the same as above:
    # `(final: prev: { xxx = { ... }; })`
    (import ./overlays/overlay3.nix)

In the above example, we define three overlays. Overlay 1 modifies the google-chrome derivation by adding a command-line argument for a proxy server. Overlay 2 modifies the steam derivation by adding extra packages and an environment variable. Overlay 3 is defined in a separate file overlay3.nix.

You can write your own overlays following this example. Import the configuration as a NixOS module or a Home Manager module, and then deploy it to see the effect.

Modular overlays

In the previous example, all overlays were written in a single Nix file, which can become difficult to maintain over time. To address this, we can manage overlays in a modular way.

Start by creating an overlays folder in your Git repository to store all overlay configurations. Inside this folder, create a default.nix file with the following content:

# import all nix files in the current folder, and execute them with args as parameters
# The return value is a list of all execution results, which is the list of overlays

# execute and import all overlay files in the current directory with the given args
  (f: (import (./. + "/${f}") args))  # execute and import the overlay file
  (builtins.filter          # find all overlay files in the current directory
    (f: f != "default.nix")
    (builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir ./.)))

The default.nix file imports and executes all Nix files in the current folder (excluding default.nix) with the provided arguments. It returns a list of all overlay results.

Next, write your overlay configurations in the overlays folder. For example, you can create overlays/fcitx5/default.nix with the following content:

{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }:

(self: super: {
  rime-data = ./rime-data-flypy;  # Customized rime-data package
  fcitx5-rime = super.fcitx5-rime.override { rimeDataPkgs = [ ./rime-data-flypy ]; };

In the above example, we override the rime-data package with a custom version and modify the fcitx5-rime derivation to use the custom rime-data package.

To load all overlays returned by overlays/default.nix, add the following parameter to any NixOS module:

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... } @ args:

  # ...

  nixpkgs.overlays = import /path/to/overlays/dir;

  # ...

For instance, you can add it directly in flake.nix:

  description = "NixOS configuration of Ryan Yin";

  # ...

  inputs = {
    # ...

  outputs = inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ... }:
      nixosConfigurations = {
        nixos-test = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
          system = "x86_64-linux";
          specialArgs = inputs;
          modules = [

            # add the following inline module definition
            #   here, all parameters of modules are passed to overlays
            (args: { nixpkgs.overlays = import ./overlays args; })

            # ...

By using this modular approach, you can conveniently organize and manage your overlays. In this example, the structure of the overlays folder would look like this:

├── flake.lock
├── flake.nix
├── home
├── hosts
├── modules
├── ...
├── overlays
│   ├── default.nix            # return a list of all overlays.
│   └── fcitx5                 # fcitx5 overlay
│       ├── default.nix
│       ├──
│       └── rime-data-flypy    # my custom rime-data
│           └── share
│               └── rime-data
│                   ├── ...

This modular approach simplifies the management of overlays and allows you to easily add, modify, or remove overlays as needed.

Released under the MIT License.